Friday, 6 August 2010

BALI is not relaxing this summer as there are still so many things that are going on in our fight to persuade East Sussex that the Ashdown Brickworks site is a dreadful and potentially devastating site to put yet another landfill in Bexhill.

BALI is most definitely not a political organization and its committee and supporters are made up of people from all cross -sections of society and political persuasions.

New BALI Membership Scheme for Rother
We are launching a membership scheme in September which will reach out to not only Bexhill residents but also anyone in the Rother area who feels this is a wrong move on the part of East Sussex.. Further information will be available nearer the time or if you wish to register an interest now, you can do it through the website or contact Iva on 01424 221872.

Fundraising: Donations Welcome Please!
In order to ensure we have the funds to continue the campaign, our Fund Raising group has been tramping the highways and byways of Bexhill delivering leaflets to explain why we need extra funding to step up our campaign. Mike Rosner, in charge of the BALI 100 Club, is hoping that yet more money can be raised in this way to ensure BALI has sufficient finance to afford essential legal advice and representation.. He can be contacted on 845688 and would be delighted to hear from you.

BALI Events Summer and Autumn 2010
While that is an ongoing thread, we are now recommencing our programme of social events with the dual purpose of not only adding to our funds, but also uniting our supporters and ensuring that everyone is aware of what BALI is doing and why.

The first event is at Freezeland Farm, Freezeland Lane on Saturday September 4th 7 pm for 7.30 by very kind permission of Bill and Margaret van Draat. We are calling it BALI FOR A TASTE OF BALI as the evening will have an Indonesian flavour.
Tickets are £20 per person which includes a 3 course meal with wine and music. These can be obtained from Iva 221872. PLEASE SUPPORT US!

The second Event is a Dinner Dance on Friday November 26th at Highwoods Golf Club by kind permission of the Chairman and board.. Please put this date in your diaries and further information will follow nearer the time.

In between, at the end of October, BALI and East Sussex County Council are organizing a Meeting of Key Stakeholders which will take place in the Rother District Council Chamber whose aim is to get all sides together for an ‘informed dialogue’, putting points and counter points.

This is a difficult campaign which BALI is in for the duration and which, if the town and district remain united, we believe we can win.. There already exist wonderful plans to regenerate the clay pits after excavation, but we first have to win the fight to stop landfill filling them with waste. That will take a lot of work and dedication over time which is why we need help from all Bexhill and the surrounding area.

It is no good listening to those who say it will never happen. We have to continue the campaign until such times as Ashdown is officially taken out of the Waste Strategy

Be in no doubt that yet another landfill – Bexhills’ 4th – will impact on the whole town and district..

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