BALI has undertaken numerous activities as part of its campaign in the first part of 2010. The main highlights so far include:
- Formation of new strengthened BALI Committee to fight the proposed landfill at Ashdown.
- 27-page detailed BALI submission to ESCC by expert consultants (DMH Stallard) objecting to the Preferred Strategy which names Ashdown Brickworks for waste land disposal.
- Applications under the Freedom of Information Act for ESCC to reveal all written data and correspondence re: Ashdown Brickworks,
- Meetings with ESCC Transport and Environment Officers and Lead Cabinet Member T&E.
- Meetings with Greg Barker MP, Minister of State, DECC to discuss our campaign..
- Meetings with Rother District Council Leader
- Meetings with County Councillors representing Bexhill divisions to argue our case.
- Lobbying of all Candidates in the General Election who all vigorously opposed the landfill.
- Addresses to local bodies such as the Town Forum, Bexhill Alliance, Bexhill Youth Council.
- Liaison with and press releases to the media, including TV and radio, but particularly the Bexhill Observer who strongly support our campaign.
- Liaison with our supporters and the general public replying to every letter, email and telephone call received.
- Improvement and updating of BALI website ( and also this BALI News Blog. Also joining Facebook and Twitter ( @BALIBexhill ).
- Continued fundraising by our hardworking fundraising sub-committee without which we could not hire the expert professional help and advice we need, both now and in the future.
- Research into an alternative approach to waste management in East Sussex, government waste policy and methods of restoring Ashdown site by other means than landfill.
- Liaison with other anti-landfill groups to learn from their campaigns.
- Research into dinosaur remains at Ashdown Brickworks. Investigations into the possibility of an application to English Nature to designate it a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
- Visit to the Houses of Parliament to hold a demonstration against the proposed landfill.
- BALI stalls at various events including the 30th Anniversary of the Highwoods Preservation Society with whom BALI closely liaise..
- Attendance at relevant Council Meetings to follow any Ashdown-related matters e.g the Planning Application to extend Bexhill Cemetery to the border of the Ashdown site.
- Creation of diorama to illustrate the contrast between landfilling and restoring the site.
- Creation of a) New working subcommittees b) New databases of supporters.
Please read about BALI's Plans for the rest of 2010.