Activity 2010

BALI has undertaken numerous activities as part of its campaign in the first part of 2010.  The main highlights so far include:
  1. Formation of new strengthened BALI Committee to fight the proposed landfill at Ashdown.
  2. 27-page detailed BALI submission to ESCC by expert consultants (DMH Stallard) objecting to the Preferred Strategy which names Ashdown Brickworks for waste land disposal.
  3. Applications under the Freedom of Information Act for ESCC to reveal all written data and correspondence re: Ashdown Brickworks,
  4. Meetings with ESCC Transport and Environment Officers and Lead Cabinet Member T&E.
  5. Meetings with Greg Barker MP, Minister of State, DECC to discuss our campaign..
  6. Meetings with Rother District Council Leader
  7. Meetings with County Councillors representing Bexhill divisions to argue our case.
  8. Lobbying of all Candidates in the General Election who all vigorously opposed the landfill.
  9. Addresses to local bodies such as the Town Forum, Bexhill Alliance, Bexhill Youth Council.
  10. Liaison with and press releases to the media, including TV and radio, but particularly the Bexhill Observer who strongly support our campaign.
  11. Liaison with our supporters and the general public replying to every letter, email and telephone call received.
  12. Improvement and updating of BALI website ( and also this BALI News Blog. Also joining Facebook and Twitter ( @BALIBexhill ).
  13. Continued fundraising by our hardworking fundraising sub-committee without which we could not hire the expert professional help and advice we need, both now and in the future.
  14. Research into an alternative approach to waste management in East Sussex, government waste policy and methods of restoring Ashdown site by other means than landfill.
  15. Liaison with other anti-landfill groups to learn from their campaigns.
  16. Research into dinosaur remains at Ashdown Brickworks. Investigations into the possibility of an application to English Nature to designate it a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
  17. Visit to the Houses of Parliament to hold a demonstration against the proposed landfill.
  18. BALI stalls at various events including the 30th Anniversary of the Highwoods Preservation Society with whom BALI closely liaise..
  19. Attendance at relevant Council Meetings to follow any Ashdown-related matters e.g the Planning Application to extend Bexhill Cemetery to the border of the Ashdown site.
  20. Creation of diorama to illustrate the contrast between landfilling and restoring the site.
  21. Creation of a) New working subcommittees b) New databases of supporters.

Please read about BALI's Plans for the rest of 2010.