Monday, 13 December 2010

BALLI Membership now Launched!

As promised, the BALI membership scheme is now launched! For only £5 (£3 for students) or £10 for companies or affiliated groups, sign up to be a member of BALI and help fight the landfill proposal.
Please see our website to download the application form:

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Meeting of Key Stakeholders Report

An informal report by Nick Hollington
29th October 2010

On Friday 29th October there gathered, in the august surroundings of the Council Chamber in Bexhill Town Hall, representatives of Bexhill and Rother residents, community groups and amenities, together with local councillors, to discuss with East Sussex County Council (ESCC)their plans for the future management of waste and how these might affect Bexhill. As you all know, Ashdown Brickworks in Turkey Road is being considered as a landfill site for the disposal of waste.

All the key ESCC decision-makers were present including Cllr. Matthew Lock, Lead Cabinet Member, Transport and Environment, Rupert Clubb, Director of Transport and Environment and Tony Cook, Head of Planning.

We were also pleased to welcome our MP, Greg Barker, Minister of State at the Department of Energy and Climate Change who took time out of his busy Westminster schedule to address the meeting on the government’s latest waste and planning policies.

Monday, 25 October 2010

BALI Dinner Dance
Friday 26th November 2010 

It is with regret that the Dinner Dance on 26th November has been cancelled, so apologies to those who were planning to attend.

More campaign updates will be available soon, so please check back for details.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Bexhill Achievers Recognition for BALI

BALI was nominated for the Environment Award at the Bexhill Achievers Ceremony on Friday 17th September. 

BALI members were delighted to be presented with the Highly Commended Award.
This was accepted by Nick Hollington on behalf of the group who felt it was a reward for 8 years of effort and dedication by the group in campaigning against the proposed landfill at Ashdown.

BALI were presented with a framed certificate which will be on display for the first time at the Town Forum on Tuesday 21st September.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Fight Continues Over Landfill

Article by Ben Higgins, published Bexhill Observer 17/9/10

Protesters have amassed a body of new evidence supporting their belief that landfill is not an option in Bexhill.
Members of BALI are set to present their findings to East Sussex County Council (ESCC) ahead of the authority's next newsletter on the matter at the end of the month.

Amid news that ESCC is now exploring alternatives to land disposal, the town's MP has warned residents that landfill 'remains a real threat', calling for Bexhill to unite behind a common cause.

Greg Barker said: 'We still need to continue to raise money to fight a professional campaign and ensure this threat is defeated by the town.
'It's clear the wider expert opinions are moving away from landfill because of the huge costs and environmental impact landfill has.
'But it's still a very real problem and there's absolutely no room for complacency in our campaign.
'We have always been at our best when we have a common cause uniting different parties and age groups.'
Fresh with a new constitution and membership scheme, BALI have prepared a submission summarising findings at Ashdown Brickworks, Turkey Road, ESCC's preferred choice for a new waste disposal site.
The findings include:

  • the discovery of dinosaur remains at Ashdown Brickworks
  • an ongoing application to turn the brickworks into a Site of Special Scientific Interest
  • the expansion of Bexhill cemetery, meaning its borders will neighbour the brickworks
  • the new Bexhill High School site on Gunters Lane
  • the delay and possible cancellation of the Bexhill Hastings Link Road
ESCC is still considering the response to the recent consultation on the landfill proposals, and say they will soon publish an analysis of residents' concerns, hinting at the prospect of further consultation.
A recent edition of Your County magazine, published by ESCC, says they are: 'looking at other alternatives which might mean land disposal is not needed.'
When asked to explain this, a spokesman commented: 'There are a range of ways in which we can reduce the need for landfill, including minimising the amount of waste produced in the first place, recycling, composting and converting to energy.
'We are already employing these techniques for household waste and are in discussion with partners to consider the feasibility of all or some of these approaches for commercial, industrial, construction and demolition waste.'
Nearby West Sussex County Council recently suspended work on its waste strategy in the light of a policy review by the coalition government.
Asked why ESCC is pressing ahead, the spokesman said no decisions would be made before government's plans were clear.
'We must plan for the waste that continues to be produced in the county, especially given that existing disposal facilities have a finite life', he said.  'However, we are conscious that government is reviewing its waste policies and we will not therefore make any plans in advance of this and any other reviews.'

Nick Hollington, chair of BALI, urged residents to join the groups' new membership scheme, saying: 'I have always wanted to involve local people in the association.
'We want everyone to join.  Going to East Sussex to continue this fight, we need to say we have at least 1,000 members.  Anybody can join and we hope councillors will join too. It gives us more weight.'

BALI's next move is a meeting of key stakeholders on October 29. Though not a public meeting, Nick invited community groups to send a representative along.  Contact BALI on 01424 843046 or 01424 221872 for information about the meeting, or membership.

Leader of Rother District Council Carl Maynard has previously confirmed RDC 'consistently and fundamentally opposes' landfill at Ashdown Brickworks, but could not be reached in time for comment yesterday (Thursday).

See the Bexhill Observer website.

Friday, 10 September 2010

A Taste of BALI at Freezeland Farm

BALI was very fortunate to be offered the facilities of Freezeland Farm by Bill and Margaret van Draat last Saturday 4th September 2010 for an informal dinner. This wonderful setting was enhanced by the weather so guests were able to enjoy pre-dinner drinks in the courtyard before entering the barn where tables had been set out and decorated with small lights and candles.

Although our MP Greg Barker was unable to stay, he gave a very pertinent address about the history of BALI and that the cross party committee was still carrying on the fight to ensure the landfill threat at Ashdown was defeated. One of the reasons for the evening, apart from obviously publicising BALI, was the very necessary raising of much needed funds.

We had 58 people sit down for a 3 course meal with wine, with the main course based on an Indonesian/Bali theme. During coffee, we were lucky to have as speaker ex Mayor Stuart Earl, long a supporter of the Landfill fight and on this occasion he not only emphasised this but also gave us stories from his time running Earls bakery.

The whole evening was a huge success with approximately £1500 raised. We were very fortunate that we had kind people who donated items for the auction and raffle which raised a considerable amount of money. However, the most important thanks must go to Bill & Margaret whose generosity and spirit ensured that we had an incredibly successful evening in so many different ways.

Bexhill is indeed very lucky in having two such wonderful people who freely offer their home facilities and time for events such as this.

Friday, 6 August 2010

BALI is not relaxing this summer as there are still so many things that are going on in our fight to persuade East Sussex that the Ashdown Brickworks site is a dreadful and potentially devastating site to put yet another landfill in Bexhill.

BALI is most definitely not a political organization and its committee and supporters are made up of people from all cross -sections of society and political persuasions.

New BALI Membership Scheme for Rother
We are launching a membership scheme in September which will reach out to not only Bexhill residents but also anyone in the Rother area who feels this is a wrong move on the part of East Sussex.. Further information will be available nearer the time or if you wish to register an interest now, you can do it through the website or contact Iva on 01424 221872.

Fundraising: Donations Welcome Please!
In order to ensure we have the funds to continue the campaign, our Fund Raising group has been tramping the highways and byways of Bexhill delivering leaflets to explain why we need extra funding to step up our campaign. Mike Rosner, in charge of the BALI 100 Club, is hoping that yet more money can be raised in this way to ensure BALI has sufficient finance to afford essential legal advice and representation.. He can be contacted on 845688 and would be delighted to hear from you.

BALI Events Summer and Autumn 2010
While that is an ongoing thread, we are now recommencing our programme of social events with the dual purpose of not only adding to our funds, but also uniting our supporters and ensuring that everyone is aware of what BALI is doing and why.

The first event is at Freezeland Farm, Freezeland Lane on Saturday September 4th 7 pm for 7.30 by very kind permission of Bill and Margaret van Draat. We are calling it BALI FOR A TASTE OF BALI as the evening will have an Indonesian flavour.
Tickets are £20 per person which includes a 3 course meal with wine and music. These can be obtained from Iva 221872. PLEASE SUPPORT US!

The second Event is a Dinner Dance on Friday November 26th at Highwoods Golf Club by kind permission of the Chairman and board.. Please put this date in your diaries and further information will follow nearer the time.

In between, at the end of October, BALI and East Sussex County Council are organizing a Meeting of Key Stakeholders which will take place in the Rother District Council Chamber whose aim is to get all sides together for an ‘informed dialogue’, putting points and counter points.

This is a difficult campaign which BALI is in for the duration and which, if the town and district remain united, we believe we can win.. There already exist wonderful plans to regenerate the clay pits after excavation, but we first have to win the fight to stop landfill filling them with waste. That will take a lot of work and dedication over time which is why we need help from all Bexhill and the surrounding area.

It is no good listening to those who say it will never happen. We have to continue the campaign until such times as Ashdown is officially taken out of the Waste Strategy

Be in no doubt that yet another landfill – Bexhills’ 4th – will impact on the whole town and district..

Saturday, 24 July 2010

BALI Events for Your Diary

Advance notice of two BALI events coming up this year...

Saturday 4th September at 7pm for 7.30pm:

Join BALI for a taste of BALI

Venue: Freezeland Farm, Bexhill by kind permission of Margaret and Bill van Drat.

There will be a three course meal with an 'Indonesian' flavour, music and a chance to enjoy, before the meal, the lovely garden.

For tickets, please Telephone Iva on 01424 221872 or Barbara 01424 212796.

Friday 26th November 2010:

Dinner Dance at Highwoods Golf Club:

John Hollands and the Golf Club Committee have kindly given permission for the use of Highwoods Golf Club and the event will be co-ordinated by Councillor Joanne Gadd.  More details to follow...

Please keep your diaries free!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Competition finalist to give his prizes to BALI, Bexhill Groups & the environment

Bexhill resident Michael Bernard is one of just 15 finalists selected by Nectar judges from 6000 entries to Nectar's Savvy Shopper Competition.

Michael's shopping tip: "I pay for all my shopping with my WWF (World Wildlife Fund) charity Visa card. It costs me nothing but WWF get 0.40p for every £100 I spend. Helping the environment wherever possible is the savviest thing we can do – for me, you, our children and every living thing on the planet."

The great news for Bexhill, BALI and Highwoods Preservation Society in particular, is that Michael has said:  "The competition winner gets £500 and a short Eurostar holiday in Paris. But if I win I will donate £500 to WWF and at least £400 (equivalent to the value of the holiday) to four Bexhill-on-Sea environmental and animal causes. I will give £100 to Barby Keel, to support the brilliant work they do to relieve the suffering of animals, £100 to BALI to help the fight against landfill at Ashdown Brickworks, which would be a disaster for Bexhill, £100 to Highwoods Preservation Society to support this wonderful local beauty spot and wildlife haven, and £100 to the fledgling Bexhill Environmental Group, which meets for the very first time on 7.00 p.m. on 4th August in the Community Meeting Room, Old Bank Chambers."

Michael says, "I don't want to gain anything at all in a personal way from winning the competition, I just want to use this competition to help Bexhill and the environment. Please go online to  and vote for me."

So, thank you to Michael and please go online and vote for Michael today!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

LGA: Eight Years Left of Landfill

The Local Government Association reports "Britain will run out of landfill space in less than eight years' time - unless recycling rates are boosted and the amount of rubbish dumped in the ground is reduced, council leaders have warned.

The warning comes as figures reveal that Britain still dumps more household waste into the ground than any other European Union (EU) country."

Read the full article on the LGA website.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Come and Meet BALI at Green Day 3rd July 2010

The Friends of Egerton Park will be holding this year's Green Day event on Saturday 3rd July in Egerton Park, Bexhill between 11am and 3pm.
The event will include stalls, refreshments and a children's activity zone run by the Rother Children's Centre, plus of course, BALI will be there to answer your questions. Please come along and support the event and say hello!

Monday, 28 June 2010

Register Now to Become a Member of BALI! Please Show Your Support

We have decided to reorganize BALI as a broad-based membership association, open to all Bexhill residents. For a nominal subscription you will receive a quarterly newsletter and the right to vote on important matters at the AGM.

BALI’s aim is simply to stop the landfill. We started our campaign in 2002 with a small group of residents. Through widespread public support, we have become a force with which to be reckoned.

To register for membership, please:
email BALI, stating your name, address, contact phone no. and email address, or if you would prefer, download and complete the form, and send it to BALI, PO Box 194, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex TN 40 9BD.

Please indicate if you would also be willing to play a more active part in our campaign, for example, serving on committees, researching, organizing or assisting canvassing or fundraising events.
We will contact you with full details of our membership scheme and a full application form.
Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Government Announces a Review of Waste policy

The Government is to carry out a full review of waste policy in England, looking at the most effective ways of reducing waste, maximising the money to be made from waste and recycling, and how waste policies affect local communities and individual households.

Terms of reference for the review will be published in the next few weeks. To read more, please visit the defra website or check back for updates.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

BALI Westminster No-Landfill Demo 11th June 2010

BALI demonstrated at Westminster sending a very firm message that landfill is not for Bexhill!

It was a really good day with even the weather behaving itself so BALI members were all able to 'strip' off to show the wonderful T Shirts organised by Colin Bennett - which, with small donations over the actual price, has actually made money for BALI!

We gathered on Parliament Square to be photographed by both Meridian TV and others including some very interested passers by, and with the wonderful backdrop of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

BALI Chairman, Nick Hollington was interviewed by Meridian, and we were then joined by Greg Barker, our very supportive MP, who wasn't averse to holding a placard saying 'Don't dump on Bexhill'.

Greg was also interviewed by Meridian, but sadly we were only given about a 10 second slot on Saturday evening!

After all the excitement, BALI took a tour of the Houses of Parliament, which was fantastic - so much history and so much to see, with both the Lords and Commons chambers seeming very much smaller than they appear on TV - An incredible experience.

Thanks to all who came and really helped to get over the message - and as the youngest present, Alexandra said it was the best school trip ever!

Read the article in the Bexhill Observer 17th June 2010 Anti-Landfill protest gets the Commons touch

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

BALI Westminster Trip This Friday!

BALI members will be making a trip to Westminster this Friday 11th June to protest about the proposal for a landfill site at Ashdown Brickworks. Check back soon to find out what happened!

Read the latest articles about BALI on the Bexhill Observer Website:

Westminster beckons for landfill protestors (3rd June 2010)

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

BALI visit to Laybrook and Thakeham Village Action

Recently we received some good news, though not about Ashdown Brickworks.

Our colleagues at Thakeham Village Action in West Sussex, fighting a proposed Cory/Ibstock landfill at Laybrook Brickworks had, against all the odds, achieved a famous victory. The planning application to landfill Laybrook had been withdrawn!

This news goes to show that a fight against an unsuitable landfill site is never over till it's over. Unlike Ashdown, Laybrook was already in the West Sussex waste plan and Cory/Ibstock had already put in a planning application. We felt that their cause was nearly a 'goner', but they just kept on fighting – and they won.

We wondered if there were lessons we (BALI) could learn from their successful campaign and asked if we might go down to see them. They were keen to meet us also, having followed closely our campaign. So we (Raymond Walley, Colin Bennett and myself) arranged to meet them in the local village pub, The White Lion, which had become a sort of HQ for their campaign.

First we went to see the Laybrook quarry site which had similarities to Ashdown although it was one big hole rather than two (it is not always understood there are two pits at Ashdown). In many ways, and this was encouraging, we felt Ashdown was far less suitable for landfill than Laybrook. Access to the Laybrook quarry is much better, along good roads. Also there are hardly any houses or amenities within 1 ½ miles of the quarry. Compare Ashdown, sandwiched between the Highwoods SSSI and Bexhill Cemetery, with the Golf Club over the road and the new Bexhill High School and app.4000 houses within a mile of the site!

After visiting the Laybrook site we returned to the White Lion to eat, drink and chat with Jean Beckett and the TVA team in a convivial atmosphere, sharing so many experiences, closely bonded by our common struggle.

"So how did you do it?" we asked. Of course there was no magic formula, no silver bullet they could hand us to defeat the Ashdown landfill proposal at a stroke. So much had been down to their sheer hard work, continually campaigning, lobbying, researching, fundraising etc. over many years.

People seldom realize how groups like TVA and BALI give up so much of their lives over such a long period (TVA: 10 years, BALI 8 ) to fight their causes. TVA just kept on even when their cause looked hopeless. "Never give up!" was above all the message.

But they did give us lots of practical 'tips' to take back to our committee. One was not only to lobby ‘the political establishment’ (e.g. ESCC, Rother District Council) but also quasi-governmental organizations such as the Environment Agency, the Highways authority, English Nature and the Council for Protection for Rural England (CPRE). Also to simply keep giving hard information out (e.g. to Councillors) on the difficulties of operating the proposed landfill, or its harmful effects, even if, as was often the case, they received no reply.

TVA had also organized some excellent events to canvass local support, for instance a Saturday afternoon ‘family march’ around the local area with children, dogs, bands playing etc. which brought out about a thousand people and was heavily publicized in the local paper. The paper also agreed to let them have a regular slot, reporting on their activities and explaining why not only this landfill, but waste landfill in general, was a bad idea and unnecessary in this day and age when so much more waste can be recycled and there are so many new technologies available for disposing of the remainder, many of which can also produce heat and energy resources.

We felt we learnt a lot and came back to Bexhill buzzing with ideas for our BALI Campaign. Above all we felt encouraged by TVA’s final victory and their willingness to give our campaign every support. Many thanks to our friends at Thakeham: you are an example and an inspiration to us!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Landfill protesters join in Highwoods group's 30th birthday

BALI supported the Highwoods Preservation Society 30th Birthday celebrations at highwoods on Saturday 22nd May 2010.
The Highwoods is a beautiful area of traditional coppiced woodland designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It is managed by the Highwoods Preservation Society volunteers under an agreement with Rother District Council. This area is now under threat because of the Landfill proposal for the Ashdown brickworks site, which is next to the Highwoods.
For more information about Highwoods or to join the Highwoods Preservation Society, please see the Highwoods Preservation Society website.
Read about BALI's team at the birthday celebrations on the Bexhill Observer website.

Friday, 21 May 2010

House of Commons Visit Friday 11th June 2010

Book Your Place Now: Only A Few Places Left!

BALI is organising a visit to the House of Commons.  We will receive a tour of the House of Commons and are planning a demonstration in Parliament Square which involve media and TV and will provide a wonderful opportunity to ensure that our total opposition to landfill at Ashdown not only gets into the wider news but reaches more people in East Sussex and most especially East Sussex County Council.

There are places for 100 people on two coaches and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We will hold a reserve list so that if there are last-minute drop outs we will contact those who were not initially allocated a place.  However if, on the day, you find yourself unable to come, we will be unable to return your money as we need to cover coach costs.

There will be 2 pick up points - Town Hall, Bexhill at 10am and The Wheatsheaf, Little Common at 10.10am to arrive in Central London for a lunchtime drop off in Trafalgar Square.  Please make your own arrangments for lunch. The coaches will pick us up again around 2.15pm and the demonstration will take place at 2.45pm.  We then need to be in the queue at the House by 3.30pm for our timed visits.  We would hope to depart London for home at 6.15pm.  Please note: All times are subject to change.

How to Book Your Place

The cost is £12.50 per person. Cheques should be made payable to 'BALI' with 'London Visit' written on the back.  If you feel able to donate a little more to the fund we will be very grateful!  Please enclose SAE for receipt and also if we need to return your cheque in the event of overbooking.

Please ensure we receive your:
- Name, Address, Telephone Number and email address.
Please also indicate:
  • which pick up point you would like: Town Hall, Bexhill or The Wheatsheaf, Little Common
  • If we may contact you by email with details of further arrangements
Please return your contact details, cheque and SAE  as soon as possible to Judy Murray, 17 The Ridings, Bexhill TN39 5HU.  For more details please telephone Judy on 07814 895874 or email

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Ashdown Brickworks Site: Jurassic Park?

Bexhill is famous for its Dinosaur remains, most of which are housed in the Bexhill Museum which has recently announced that it is planning a new special "Dinosaur Gallery" to display its large and important collection of these treasures to the public.

The main source of these remains, apart from the beach; is not well-known: it is the Ashdown Brickworks in Turkey Road, which is currently proposed for a waste landfill.

Geologists and archaeologists have been making ‘digs’ or fossil hunting in the Ashdown Quarries for over 30 years; employees at the site also often spot dinosaur bones as they go about their tasks. What is found is invariably handed over to Bexhill Museum, though sometimes casts are first made by the collectors

The quarry pits, of which there are two, are part of the Wadhurst Clay Formation, interlaced with the Tunbridge Wells Sands, which date from the Lower Cretaceous period when Ashdown was part of a prehistoric lagoon, about 135 million years ago. Such geological strata are distinguished for their remains of dinosaurs and reptiles.

Bones of many different reptiles and types of dinosaur have been found at Ashdown, mostly in 3 ‘beds’ around the Northiam Sandstone in the Pevensey Pit. Museum employees and volunteers have accompanied members of Hastings and Wealden Geological groups on many ‘digs’ at the site, but these have, until now, been shrouded in secrecy, the site-owners, Ibstock Brick, requiring the participants not to reveal the source of their discoveries.

BALI, the group opposing the landfill at Ashdown Brickwork, has known about these finds for many years but have co-operated in keeping their source secret. However, they have now been publicly revealed by a lengthy, recent (February 2010) article in Wealden News, the newsletter of Wealden Geology, entitled “Vertebrae found from Ashdown Brickworks, Bexhill” (download is a pdf file). The article contains detailed information and beautiful illustrations of many of the prehistoric finds made at Ashdown.

Bexhill Cemetery Will Expand Despite Threat of Landfill

On 18th March 2010, Rother District Council Planning Committee decided to grant a new planning application (RR/2010/1783R) to extend Bexhill Cemetery in St Mary’s Lane almost to the border of the Ashdown Brickworks.

Unless ESCC withdraws its renewed proposal to allocate Ashdown for waste landfill and site-owners Ibstock decline to proceed with their landfill planning application, mourners visiting their loved ones or attending their burial will be faced with all the horrors of a rotting dump within perhaps as little as 50 yards.

The approved application represents a renewal of the permission of change of use granted under a previous application (RR/2006/3294/3R) whereby RDC would compulsorily purchase a substantial (2.92 hectares) field of agricultural land to the west of the current cemetery. It is understood that proceedings in this respect are already underway and the purchase is hoped to be completed before next summer.

Friday, 12 February 2010

ESCC Freedom of Information Request re Ashdown Brickworks site

By Ben Higgins, Bexhill Observer, published 11th February 2010
Read the original article on the Bexhill Observer Website

CLAIMS that East Sussex County Council is "actively progressing" Ashdown Brickworks towards a planning stage for landfill have intensified following a Freedom of Information request.

Details of a meeting held last September have emerged, revealing ESCC officers were in discussion with a waste operator and the owners of the Turkey Road site at least five weeks before the official consultation.
Nick Hollington (pictured right), chairman of Bexhill Against Landfill and Incineration (BALI), who made the FOI request of ESCC for all correspondence about the potential use of Ashdown Brickworks as a landfill site, said the document showed a 'dangerously hasty' attitude towards the site which is the only named option in ESCC's waste plan.
He said: 'Why are they having meetings with the site owners and waste contractors even before the consultation begins?
'East Sussex should be in a neutral position. It should not be actively progressing discussions with potential applicants for land disposal while a major policy review is taking place.' ESCC has refused to release all its correspondence about Ashdown Brickworks, claiming to do so would not be in the public interest.
When asked if similar meetings had been held to discuss other possible sites, an ESCC spokesman said the county had entered into correspondence with some landowners, but it was too early to speak with other operators because alterative sites have only been narrowed down to areas of search.

Friday, 29 January 2010

BALI Chairman Newsletter - January 2010

The consultation is over; the fight continues. While feeling satisfied that we, BALI, and the people of Bexhill, have done our utmost in the current campaign to remove Ashdown Brickworks as a landfill site from the County’s waste plan, we know from past experience how obdurate the County Council is regarding using this site for waste and so we cannot and will not relax our efforts.

Our sources tell us that there have been over 800 objections to the County's 'Preferred Strategy for Waste' since its publication last October. Furthermore many of these have been from local groups representing up to (in the case of Highwoods Golf Club) 800 members.

Rother District Council, an extremely important 'statutory consultee', has strongly opposed the proposal to use Ashdown Brickworks for landfill and councillors and representatives of all political parties have expressed wholehearted support for BALI in the local press, which has also come out strongly against this pernicious proposal that would damage our town in so many ways.

After RDC's submission, possibly the most important submission is BALI's own, long in the preparation and submitted only last week, consisting of 27 pages of detailed forceful argument in planning terms by our expert legal-planning consultants DMH Stallard. We take no credit for this; such work is expensive and has only been possible through the generous donations from local groups and individuals to our Fighting Fund both before and during our current campaign. We can but thank them profusely.

It is important to note, however, that Bexhill are not the only community opposing the County’s waste plans. The Preferred Strategy vaguely suggests – on a map – as an addition or alternative to Ashdown, 'areas of search' for landraise sites (like Pebsham) in the Low Weald which have been identified as being near such communities as Golden Cross, Hellingly, Hailsham, Chiddingly and others. Their parish councils have accordingly formed their own action group to oppose landfill/raise in their area supported by their MPs Charles Hendry and Norman Baker. (In a similar way our own MP Greg Barker has unwaveringly supported BALI for over 7 years and continues to be a 'tower of strength' for our cause).

'NIMBYS!' we might say – or they might say of us. We don't, of course: they have the same right to defend their local community as ourselves, and they take the same view of our struggle in Bexhill. I was pleased to be invited to their packed public meeting in Hailsham, last Saturday and gratified to hear that they do not suggest simply that waste be buried in the ground at Ashdown. Rather they are strongly urging East Sussex County Council, as is BALI, to rethink their whole waste policy. Landfill or landraise are mediaeval solutions to the massive modern problem of waste disposal. They are saying to East Sussex, and BALI firmly agrees: 'Go back to the Drawing Board!' Make a new plan- to further reduce waste (e.g. packaging), reuse it, recycle it more and if it has to be disposed, compost it or at least recover energy from it through the many 21st century technologies available. If whole countries, like Sweden or Germany, more or less do without any landfill today, how is it that ESCC is now planning to put waste in the ground until at least 2026?!

WILL THEY (ESCC) LISTEN? - is the big question. They will certainly register all the objections made and make a massive database which will be made available to the public on the ESCC website. But will they listen? We shall now have to wait and see.

WHEN WILL WE KNOW? - whether Ashdown is included in the next stage of the plan? The next stage, called the 'pre-submission Core Strategy', was scheduled to be published in February. ESCC Waste Team , however, have admitted that, partly owing to the extension of the consultation period, they are way behind schedule and that they need far more time to sift the massive number of objections and further investigate the viability of both Ashdown and the landraise areas of search. We therefore do not expect to hear anything conclusive before April or May 2010 (or even June).

SO WHAT DO WE DO NOW? Just wait? No way! The fight has to go on and we shall use every opportunity to continue to oppose the landfill plan in the coming months.

  • Our consultants have requested ESCC - and they have agreed – to enter into a continuing dialogue with BALI while the Core Strategy is being prepared in which we hope to further influence the process before the Core Strategy is published.
  • We will receive shortly the results of our request to ESCC under the Freedom of Information Act to reveal all their records of their dealings with the Ashdown site-owners Ibstock. You will recall that Ibstock have already entered into an agreement with a waste contractor to make a planning application to landfill the Ashdown quarries, they say 'with the encouragement of East Sussex County Council'. We need to ensure that this is not so and that ESCC are proceeding with their plan transparently and in good faith with the people of Bexhill.
  • We will continue to liaise with Bexhill and Rother County Councillors to ensure they do their job in defending our town and fully representing their residents’ and the District Council's clearly stated views. We are not convinced that the rules of ‘predetermination’ prevent them from speaking out to reassure us of their current opposition to the landfill proposal. There is much more they could say and do to satisfy our and the Bexhill community's concerns.
  • We will continue to campaign in the press and other media, addressing meetings and keeping in touch with our increasing numbers of supporters. While hoping we will win at this stage and that Ashdown will be excluded from the Core Strategy, we must prepare for the eventuality that Ashdown is still included, in which case we will simply have to fight all over again – we will never give in - in the new consultation that will follow. If it is included, however, ESCC will need to give far more details of their proposal and explain why they have not heeded all our objections.
  • We are already preparing for this by regrouping into 2 new committees, the BALI Campaign Committee and the BALI Fundraising Committee. We will be shortly writing to those who have kindly offered help at or since our public meeting whether by joining these committees or supporting them by delivering leaflets, assisting at our fundraising events etc.
  • If you would like to help BALI, and have not already applied, please phone me on 01424 843046 or (Fundraising) Mike Rosner on 01424 845688. If you wish to make a donation – and we certainly need further funds - please send it to the BALI Treasurer, Pauline Rosner, at 16 Hillborough Close, Little Common, Bexhill on Sea TN39 3TW.

I would finally like to thank all those who have given BALI such tremendous support in defending our environment and our community of Bexhill.

Nick Hollington Chairman, BALI