It has become crystal clear from evidence we cannot divulge that East Sussex County Council (ESCC) are currently and actively considering Ibstock's Ashdown quarries as a landfill site despite the dire consequences this will entail for our local residents and our beloved Highwoods.
All will be revealed in October, when ESCC will publish its 'Preferred Strategy' for waste as part of its "Waste and Minerals Development Framework" (WMDF). The Ashdown quarries will almost certainly be selected as a "Strategic Location" for the landfilling of East Sussex waste and the waste due to come from London under the South East Plan.
During the recent elections, Cllr. Gadd called the rumours of a landfill at Ashdown 'rubbish' and claimed that the incinerator being built at Newhaven will be able to handle all our (and London's) waste. BALI does not believe this for many reasons. Just one example is that certain types of waste (e.g. metals) cannot be incinerated and the bottom ash (or 'fly ash') remaining after incineration can amount to 25-30% of the waste burnt. All this has to be landfilled unless other means of disposal are found.
We are not standing idly by and will fight any proposals to landfill waste at Ashdown all the way. In anticipation of 'bad news' in October, we have reengaged our lawyers (DHM Stallard) to digest all the previous (voluminous) material regarding Ashdown and to recommend a plan of action. They have now done this and will proceed to make a case in response to the forthcoming proposals arguing that the site should be excluded from the WMDF for a whole host of reasons - unfortunately too detailed to go into here.
All this legal action is necessary, but expensive, and we are grateful for the generous donations made by BALI supporters hitherto. Following the last Highwoods news letter we had an anonymous gift of £200 for which we would like to thank the donor. If you would be willing to donate, would like more information about BALI or would like to help in any way, please phone me on 01424 843046.
Nick Hollington
Chairman B.A.L.I (Bexhill Against Landfill and Incineration)
PS: One thing we'd like to develop is a positive plan for the Ashdown quarry for the future which excludes the landfilling of organic waste. We have suggested to Rother District Council as part of their Local Development Framework that they consider a "West Bexhill Country Park" including the quarries, the Highwoods and the lovely adjoining countryside. However we don't have the expertise to practically develop this project. Can you help - or do you know anyone who can?
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