Sunday, 21 November 2010

Meeting of Key Stakeholders Report

An informal report by Nick Hollington
29th October 2010

On Friday 29th October there gathered, in the august surroundings of the Council Chamber in Bexhill Town Hall, representatives of Bexhill and Rother residents, community groups and amenities, together with local councillors, to discuss with East Sussex County Council (ESCC)their plans for the future management of waste and how these might affect Bexhill. As you all know, Ashdown Brickworks in Turkey Road is being considered as a landfill site for the disposal of waste.

All the key ESCC decision-makers were present including Cllr. Matthew Lock, Lead Cabinet Member, Transport and Environment, Rupert Clubb, Director of Transport and Environment and Tony Cook, Head of Planning.

We were also pleased to welcome our MP, Greg Barker, Minister of State at the Department of Energy and Climate Change who took time out of his busy Westminster schedule to address the meeting on the government’s latest waste and planning policies.