Thursday, 27 May 2010

Landfill protesters join in Highwoods group's 30th birthday

BALI supported the Highwoods Preservation Society 30th Birthday celebrations at highwoods on Saturday 22nd May 2010.
The Highwoods is a beautiful area of traditional coppiced woodland designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It is managed by the Highwoods Preservation Society volunteers under an agreement with Rother District Council. This area is now under threat because of the Landfill proposal for the Ashdown brickworks site, which is next to the Highwoods.
For more information about Highwoods or to join the Highwoods Preservation Society, please see the Highwoods Preservation Society website.
Read about BALI's team at the birthday celebrations on the Bexhill Observer website.

Friday, 21 May 2010

House of Commons Visit Friday 11th June 2010

Book Your Place Now: Only A Few Places Left!

BALI is organising a visit to the House of Commons.  We will receive a tour of the House of Commons and are planning a demonstration in Parliament Square which involve media and TV and will provide a wonderful opportunity to ensure that our total opposition to landfill at Ashdown not only gets into the wider news but reaches more people in East Sussex and most especially East Sussex County Council.

There are places for 100 people on two coaches and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We will hold a reserve list so that if there are last-minute drop outs we will contact those who were not initially allocated a place.  However if, on the day, you find yourself unable to come, we will be unable to return your money as we need to cover coach costs.

There will be 2 pick up points - Town Hall, Bexhill at 10am and The Wheatsheaf, Little Common at 10.10am to arrive in Central London for a lunchtime drop off in Trafalgar Square.  Please make your own arrangments for lunch. The coaches will pick us up again around 2.15pm and the demonstration will take place at 2.45pm.  We then need to be in the queue at the House by 3.30pm for our timed visits.  We would hope to depart London for home at 6.15pm.  Please note: All times are subject to change.

How to Book Your Place

The cost is £12.50 per person. Cheques should be made payable to 'BALI' with 'London Visit' written on the back.  If you feel able to donate a little more to the fund we will be very grateful!  Please enclose SAE for receipt and also if we need to return your cheque in the event of overbooking.

Please ensure we receive your:
- Name, Address, Telephone Number and email address.
Please also indicate:
  • which pick up point you would like: Town Hall, Bexhill or The Wheatsheaf, Little Common
  • If we may contact you by email with details of further arrangements
Please return your contact details, cheque and SAE  as soon as possible to Judy Murray, 17 The Ridings, Bexhill TN39 5HU.  For more details please telephone Judy on 07814 895874 or email