Friday, 23 February 2007

Turkey Road Battle Not Over Says BALI

Turkey Road battle not over, says BALI

Visitors to a Spring Fair organised by Bexhill Against Landfill / Incineration (BALI) have been warned that the fight against the use of the Turkey Road brickworks quarries continues.
Introducing Town Mayor Cllr. Eric Armstrong, who was accompanies by his wife and Mayoress, Jeanette, BALI Chairman, Nick Hollington said; "Someone said as they came in "Are you still fighting, then?".
We are very much fighting. From our letter in the Bexhill Observer, you will see that we are still very much alive".
Referring to the objection lodged by brickworks owners Ibstock to Rother Council's plan to extend the Bexhill cemetery, the chairman said "Ibstock, quite clearly, are still thinking of using the quarries for landfill.
It is very difficult to run a campaign over a long time. People get tired and people get bored.
We have been going five or six years but we are still very grateful for the support we get from the community. The BALI 100 Club, where people can put in £100 towards our fighting fund and have it returned with interest if no application is made for landfill, is going well."
Cllr. Peter Fairhurst, Cllr. Paul Lendon and county council member Cllr. Martyn Foster were also present as the chairman added:"It is nice to see so many councillors here this morning."
The Town Mayor said "In the role of Town Mayor I am not allowed to make political statements but the issue BALI is fighting affects everyone in this town.
We don't want landfill and we don't want incineration in Bexhill."
Referring to the existing Pebsham tip, he said:"I live close to it and I can see no positive aspects for anyone."
He urged supporters to spend their money in supporting a worthwhile cause.
In addition to a stand loaded with recycling literature and a welcome display in the foyer of St. Martha's hall which included press cuttings and photographs, Saturday's event included cakes, jewellery, tombola, raffle and china and glass stalls in addition to bird boxes.