BALI Campaign Plans

(July to October 2010)
  1. We will re-launch BALI in September as a membership-based organization open to all Bexhill residents to join for a nominal subscription. Members will receive a quarterly newsletter updating them on the campaign against the landfill. General meetings of members will be held at least twice a year and the Annual General Meeting will elect the Officers and Executive Committee of BALI and approve its accounts. 
  2. In September or October, jointly with ESCC, we will hold a Meeting of Key Stakeholders in Bexhill (most probably at the Town Hall) for interactive dialogue between the various stakeholders regarding the proposed landfill. Participants will include ESCC, RDC, local Councillors and MPs, local groups and associations and, not least, local residents. Invitations will also be extended to the Ashdown site-owners, Ibstock and their waste contractor, Cory Environmental.
  3. We will shortly put new and further arguments to ESCC against a landfill at Ashdown, particularly on the grounds of ‘changed circumstances’. These include the extension of Bexhill Cemetery to the Ashdown boundary, the discovery of nationally important dinosaur remains at the site, the new Bexhill High School and the delay and possible cancellation of the Link Road. Also there is ever-diminishing Government support for landfill schemes.
  4.  We will apply to English Nature to designate the Ashdown quarries as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) owing to its unique geology, nationally important dinosaur remains and the valued environment of its surrounding ancient woodland.
  5.  We will submit petitions against the use of Ashdown for landfill to East Sussex County Council and Rother District Council under their new petitions schemes. An e-petition has been already designed for the (Government) No 10 website when it reopens shortly.
  6.  We will restart our programme of social and fundraising events, fondly remembered by many of our supporters, but which we have lately had little time to organize. Our previous programme included quizzes, sales, strawberry cream teas, barn dances and many other events. If you would be willing to help organize such events, please contact us.
  7. We will continue to inform and lobby key decision-makers, particularly local Councillors.
  8. We will inform and put our case to relevant quasi-governmental agencies such as the Environment Agency and the Highways Authority, also environmental organizations such as Sussex Wildlife (re: Highwoods) and the Council for Protection of Rural England (CPRE).
  9. We will follow the progress of the RDC Local Development Framework to which we have made submissions, particularly re: planning a West Bexhill Countryside Park incorporating the Ashdown pits, the Highwoods and surrounding woodland and countryside. 
  10. We will continue and intensify our research into waste management and Ashdown related matters. If you would like to help us in our research, please let us know.
  11. We will, of course, continue our addresses to local societies, clubs and groups. If you would like a BALI member to speak to your group please get in touch.
  12. We will maintain a BALI presence or stall at local events. Come and see us at Green Day in Egerton Park on the 3rd of July!
 Dated 22nd June 2010